Artists of Kansas City are a special interest of mine.  If you have works by any of the artists listed below - or any artist associated with Kansas City - I ask that you share them with me.  I do buy and sell work by these artists, but I appreciate the opportunity to view artwork you may own; I am preparing a book on the subject.
Active artists are always invited to send photographs and details of their work.  I do not currently operate a gallery, but I am happy to offer your work to clients of mine and to help you increase your visibility and success.
I am interested in many other types of artwork as well.  I have a wide variety of clients, and my tastes are eclectic.  Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Copyright Justin Rogers, 2009.
Victor Babu 
Ralph Barton 
Thomas Hart Benton 
George Caleb Bingham 
Rita Blitt
Albert Bloch
Bob Byerly
Vincent Campanella 
Blanche Carstensen 
Cecil Carstensen 
John Steuart Curry
Aaron Douglas
John de Martelly 
Kenneth Ferguson 
James FitzGibbon 
James Britton Gantt
Lester Goldman
Robert McDonald Graham 
Waylande Gregory
John Gutowski 
J.R. Hamil 
Mildred Welsh Hammond
Jean Howard 
Frederic James 
Donald Judd 
Troy Kinney 
Arthur Kraft 
Jim Leedy
Daniel MacMorris 
James Duard Marshall
William Wind McKim
Roger Medearis 
Robert Morris 
Jackson Lee Nesbitt 
Wilbur Niewald
Doug Osa
Marguerite Munger Peet
Aaron Gunn Pyle
Gene Pyle
Wallace Rosenbauer
Charles Sanderson 
Birger Sanzen 
Frederick Emanuel Shane
Roger Shimomura 
Pauline Shirer 
Robert Stackhouse
Robert Sudlow 
John Talleur 
Janet Turner
Edward Baxter Voegele
Zona Wheeler
Charles Banks Wilson